E.O. Wilson Biophilia Center
Legacy Society Membership
Would you like to give a gift to secure the future of Environmental Learning and Nature Conservation?
Our E.O. Wilson Biophilia Center Legacy Society Members can do just that by making a planned gift. Legacy Society Members will help us to sustain our mission and commitment of the importance of loving nature and helping to preserve our natural habitats for animals to grow and thrive.
Our Legacy Society will help us to:
Expand our educational programs
Educate our children to learn to love nature
Members will secure our future by funding technological upgrade to our existing programs
Provide financial capital for expanding our campus
Legacy Gifts will secure the long-term impact of our mission through unexpected emergencies and economic hardships
Funds can be directed to Education, Capital projects or simply a contribution to a named endowment fund
Please consider joining this important and committed Legacy Society by making a planned gift. There are many ways you can make a charitable planned gift. It can be as simple as gifting stock, including us in your will or revocable trust, as a bequest to Nokuse Education, Inc. Download our Statement of Support form for more information on Planned Giving options. We urge you to consult with your financial planner or estate attorney for guidance in this matter that is best for you.
Please call Cindy Eisaman, V.P. Development (305 389-8293) or for more information on becoming a Legacy Society Member or if you have already made a provision for Nokuse Education, Inc. in your estate plan.
Thank you for supporting Nokuse Education, Inc.